Best Bass Fishing Reels Buying Guide
Bass is very common and many anglers like to fish for bass. Bass fishing is one of the most popular ways of fishing around the world. But to successfully catch more bass, some excellent fishing equipment is required. Fishing gear can be various. But when it comes to cast and drag, a fishing reel is a second to none gear, except for a fishing rod; as a fishing rod and fishing reel make a perfect team, a fishing rod is useless without a fishing reel. If the fishing reel provides a very smooth drag, it will make your fishing a lot easier. In this blog post, we are breaking down the top bass reels you can find at Plusinno.
When you start to go out fishing, it is important to understand how the reel works. Choosing the wrong reel for bass fishing will not only affect your ability to catch more bass, but it might also directly turn you away from fishing.
Most anglers usually start with spinning reels and bait caster reels. Choosing what kind of reel is pretty much a personal preference. There are several bass fishing reels at Plusinno with affordable prices and excellent customer feedback.

Gear Ratio: 5.2:1
Mono Line Capacity (lbs-yards): 8-330, 10-270
Braid Line Capacity (mm/m): 0.25/270, 0.30/180
Max Drag: 13 lbs
Weight: 8.9 oz
The Plusinno PL3000 spinning reel comes with 9+1 high-quality ball bearings to offer you smooth retrieve performance. The built-in precision pinion gear system and premium drag system can give precise drag, and reduce line break.
Customer Review: It is a well-built reel, with all the functions one would expect or need. One feature I've not seen before is a push button on the end of the reel handle that allows the handle to fold rather than the normal requirement to unscrew the handle. I find this feature very useful for storing rods in my rod locker so the handles don't get tangled in line with other rods and the handle doesn't get too loose and fall out. The specs seem to be very accurate.

Gear Ratio: 5.7:1
Mono Line Capacity (lbs-yards): 6-265, 8-200, 10-145
Braid Line Capacity (mm/m): 0.20/245, 0.23/185, 0.27/135
Max Drag: 19.8 lbs
Weight: 9.4 oz
The Plusinno GE3000 Spinning Reel has a sealed drag system to guarantee a smooth drag experience. Its anti-twist line roller prevents the line from tangling and snarling. The non-slip handle is made to offer an excellent user experience. Its drag is up to 19.8 lbs, which means you can also fish for some larger species.
Customer Review: This is my 2nd PLUSINNO reel and my first GE3000 series. I fish in Lagoons, Ponds, Inshore & Offshore. This is going to be my anywhere reel, which is why I got the 3000 series. It gives me enough line capacity for the Surf but also the compact factor for using it at my pond or Lagoon. I'm impressed by the FEEL of Quality. It looks very nice and it is very quiet and spins very smoothly. I also like the feature of a rubber ring in the middle of the spool so that the line easily grips when I initially fill the spool. It also has a sturdy arm and finger grip that feels good when reeling.

Gear Ratio: 5.7:1
Mono Line Capacity (lbs-yards): 6-265, 8-200, 10-145
Braid Line Capacity (mm/m): 0.23/250, 0.27/185, 0.30/150
Max Drag: 19.8 lbs
Weight: 8.75oz
The Plusinno BE4000 Spinning Reel has a powerful setup, which is a premium carbon fiber drag system. It can go smoothly no matter under heavy or light tension from the drag knob, the drag power is up to 19.8 lbs. Its high-strength graphite body is very powerful and durable.
Customer Review: I purchased this PLUSINNO Fishing Reel and was pleasantly surprised by how well built it was. it was not only smooth but Ultra Smooth with its 9 + 1 Ball Bearings. The construction was solid and firm on my pole. I used this reel this past weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it. It is one of the lightest weight Spinning Reels I own and has quickly become one of my favorites as I own several other top-named reels. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants a high-performance spinning reel that can be used at your favorite pond, lake, and river, or even to go ocean fishing!

PLUSINNO Elite Hunter Baitcasting Fishing Reel
Gear Ratio 6.5:1
Max Drag : 11 LB
Mono Line Capacity(lbs-yards): 12-160, 14-130, 16-110
Weight: 5.6 oz
The Plusinno Elite Hunter Baitcasting Fishing Reel comes with a 14-gear magnetic brake that offers flexible control. The CNC machined aluminum spool provides longer casts and higher fishing line capacity. Moreover, it is ultra-light and smooth.
Customer Review: After about 100 or so casts I can say I really like this reel, its adjustments are great and allow for fine-tuning the weight of the bait. Out of 100 or so casts I may have had 2 bird nests, but I was really just trying to see what it would take to cause a bird's nest. Other than that, it was a perfect cast. I put a braided line on it. The reel's gear ratio was really nice compared to my last bait caster, the magnetic brake was really good as well, and small adjustments were all that were needed.
The bass fishing reels above from Plusinno are quite popular among customers. With a very smooth performance and a powerful setup, they can help you catch more fish. Moreover, they are all quite light to use. As for prices, they are pretty affordable, especially reasonable for beginners. Now you can get your fishing reel and start your fishing trip.